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  • Board Member Responsibility

The President’s duties shall include:

  • Preside as the executive officer and administer all Council business not provided for in the Bylaws

  • Preside over all board and membership meetings

  • Appoint officers for vacated offices until the next election

  • Appoint adhoc committees, as needed, to address the organization’s needs

  • Coordinate and monitor all major initiatives involving external stakeholders in collaboration with the Past President

The Vice-President’s duties shall include:

  • Complete the unexpired term of the President until the next election

  • Perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer

  • Partner with the President and Past President to monitor initiatives involving members and external stakeholders

The Treasurer’s duties shall include:

  • Perform all fiduciary duties

  • Prepare and submit the Treasurer’s report at all monthly meetings and annual membership meetings

  • Collect membership dues and all other fees such as when the organization executes fee-based membership events

  • Provide post-event financial reports

  • Review and issue reimbursement requests for event and organization expenses incurred by board members

  • Prepare and submit the organization’s 501(c)3 documentation

The Secretary’s duties shall include:

  • Serve as corresponding and recording secretary

  • Assure that information relevant to the membership (e.g. agenda, minutes, organizational documents, Bylaws) is posted to the shared Google Drive and the website is current and accurate

  • Provide editorial support to the Gazzettino editors, as needed

  • Provide creative support to the Programming Chair for event invitations and collateral

  • Update the organization’s Facebook page with information relevant to the membership

The Membership Chair duties shall include:

  • Direct and monitor timely maintenance of the membership database and renewal process (i.e. emailing new members, providing membership cards, contacting expired members)

  • Prepare and submit the Membership report at all monthly meetings and annual membership meetings

  • Coordinate recruitment and membership retention activities in collaboration with the Programming Committee

  • Conduct membership needs surveys, as needed

The Programming Chair duties shall include:

  • Select a Program Committee, as needed

  • Plan and execute membership events on a monthly or bi-monthly basis

  • Plan and execute the annual membership meeting

  • Plan and execute the annual Christmas Party

The Gazzettino Editor duties shall include:

  • Select a Gazzettino Committee, as needed

  • Publish the Gazzettino quarterly online and in print, as needed

  • Work with membership and committee to curate and draft relevant stories

  • Photograph organization events for publishing in the Gazzettino, website and Facebook

The Board Members at Large duties shall include:

  • Provide support, as needed, to the Programming and Membership committees

  • Serve as chair person for adhoc committees, as needed

  • Provide operational support at monthly and annual organization events

  • Contribute editorial ideas and content to the Gazzettino

  • Perform the recording and corresponding Secretarial duties in the absence of that officer at a monthly board meeting or annual membership meeting

Friends of Italy Society of Hawaii is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization | P.O. Box 1376, Honolulu, HI 96807 | info@friendsofitalyhawaii.org

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